People often holler that dog lacks stamina.. yes plenty do; but also plenty don’t. Often times we confuse stamina with a hot mind (not a cold blooded animal) this mind is a warm blood.. a bit harder to handle, just ask the horse folk! If you take a warm blood out and work him 12 minutes on the sheep he may be exhausted, first thought? He lacks stamina. Now take the same dog out and run him 3 miles, he’s got more miles in the tank, it’s a warm up. If the dog truly lacked stamina the 3 mile run would end the same way, exhausted.. but it doesn’t.
A hot minded dog shall not be confused with one that lacks lungs.. those are a no go. We can control the mind of a dog, but not the physiology. Lungs are lungs.. brains can be fixed. Hot minded dogs need to be run quiet and slow. They need stopped more and they need paces more.. (this goes back to keeping their mind slow).
Hot minded dogs can grow up and grow out of being that way but it takes time. We shouldn’t put labels on certain traits unless we’ve actually tested them. Drawing early conclusions about dogs never gets us far. We should always have good knowledge of why things are going the way they are before saying such.
If you think your dog lacks stamina, take it for a run, check it’s lungs, if there is no work involved and it wants to keep running chances are you’re stamina is fine, you need to check your training.
Know what you have before you label it!