So exciting to get that yearling dog going. For some they’ve been sent out to trainers; other are the DIY type. Both types of person, the sender and the DIY have a lot to gain and lose when they start with their dog
The DIY (do it yourself) starts off slow and remedial, learning the alphabet of starting a dog..
The sender (dog goes to school for a month) has a more hold my beer attitude with a great deal of failure attactched to said beer!
So what do I expect and see?
The DIY is very complex, over thinking the dogs every move. Over controlling at times to not want to let things slip.. ok I get it.. lighten up a tad.. you’re doing well.
The sender... knows the dog now has the beginnings of his career, but a big transition from professional to a DYI with more funds for education. Usually the sender has been kept up to date on the prospect and the project. The sender usually knows they aren’t fit for the DIY start, so now they’ve got the dog back and become a more advanced DIY’r.. the lessons start, the teacher knows the dog well... mistakes won’t be made.. under guidance.. of the trainer.. but the sender is so excited about their new toy they let important things go.. no you don’t need to control every move but as yearlings you control a lot. You start to give back as they give to you. They become supple, not argumentative, they become thoughtful.. most importantly.. they invite you to their party.
Lie down is first.. it’s repeated.. it was solid under the trainer, but because the sender got one or two, they let the others go.
The correction... it’s null n void if it doesn’t change the dogs mind.. I rarely lay a hand on a dog... my owners can’t seem to get their correction to sink in... WTF... the lack of respect is so apparent. You don’t have to physically beat a dog to make an impression..
You haven’t been mad enough.. I say turn up the heat!
The flank.. the easiest of exercises.. why is the dog running in tight? Lack of respect for your bubble! See the DIY has already learned all this... the sender needs to catch up!! The end result will be the same! A good harmonium between dog, handler and sheep.... but quit letting them slide.. ask and receive, give back, if you don’t get it go show them what you meant..
Expect your dogs respect, in return respect your dog.. don’t settle for mediocre crap!
Be the captain of your ship and your crew will love you for it!